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Nov 28, 2023
A battery with jumpercables attached near Deactur, AL.

A failing battery will usually always show signs that it’s in trouble, for example, the engine will slowly take longer to turn over. With our certified battery service center, we want to tell you about some of the signs that we need to fit​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ a new car battery in your Chevy.

Slow Turn Over

When you push the start button, your Chevy’s engine should spring to life in seconds. An electrical current is sent from the battery to the starter solenoid. The starter solenoid, in turn, powers the starter which initiates the crank. The cranking action causes the combustion process to start, and you should be greeted by the purring of a healthy engine.

Slow turn over occurs when there’s insufficient power to crank the engine correctly. One of the main causes of this is a failing battery that doesn’t have enough power to enable the engine to start immediately. This problem could also be due to an alternator or starter problem. Our technicians will examine your engine and find out the exact cause.

Low Battery Water

Many batteries are maintenance-free, but some batteries need to be checked to ensure that their water level is high enough. A battery that needs maintenance can be identified by removable caps on the top. Each cap allows access to the water in a particular battery cell. The water in each battery cell must be maintained at a marked level or the lack of water will damage the copper plates inside the affected cell.

If you find you have to check the water level fairly frequently, there could be a leak in the cell. It’s also possible that your alternator could be damaged and is overcharging the battery. Overcharging the battery will cause the water to boil off and will also reduce the battery’s life. If you have a problem with this type of battery, we can either fix or replace it, depending on the problem.

Bad Smell

If you smell the stench of rotten eggs coming from under the hood, your battery is likely failing. Hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs, and it forms in your engine when the sulfur molecules from fuel in the engine combine with hydrogen molecules leaking from a failing battery. This new chemical not only smells bad but causes corrosion on the battery terminals if it’s given sufficient time.

The presence of hydrogen sulfide, unfortunately, means that your battery is damaged and can’t be repaired. Our technicians will remove it and install a new one to fix this problem.

If you suspect you have a battery problem, call our service department at Lynn Layton Chevrolet.