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Nov 14, 2023
A long exposure photograph of a highway with streaks of headlights and taillights.

Your vehicle’s headlights are an essential safety feature. They help you navigate dark roads and ensure that you’re visible to other drivers and pedestrians. That’s why it’s important to make sure your headlights are always working properly. That way when it’s time for new headlights, you’ll be ready to schedule a service appointment at Lynn Layton Chevrolet.

Your Headlights Aren’t As Bright

Do your headlights seem weaker than other vehicles on the road? Do you frequently need to turn on your brights to navigate darkened roads? A decline in the brightness of your lights is a sign that it’s time for headlight service. It’s usually best to replace your headlights as soon as you notice a decline in their brightness, so you don’t run the risk of having them burn out completely.

Your Headlights Are Foggy or Yellow

The lenses that cover your headlights, and the light that your vehicle projects forward, should both be clear and direct. If your headlights have taken on a foggy, yellowish appearance, the effectiveness of your lights is compromised. Dirt and grime sometimes build up inside the lenses, contributing to the yellowish appearance. Our service department can inspect foggy, yellowish lights, clean them, and perform any necessary repairs.

Your Headlights Aren’t Consistent

Headlights that flicker or direct light in an uneven pattern should not be ignored. Blinking can be a sign of a wiring or electrical issue, and it may also signal that your headlights are nearing the end of their life. It’s best to schedule a service appointment any time you notice flickering or blinking.  

Your Headlights Are Visibly Damaged

Their position on the front of your vehicle leaves the headlights vulnerable to damage from road debris. Stones and other types of material can get kicked up from the road and strike your headlights, cracking or breaking them. If your headlights have sustained visible damage, it’s important to get them checked out. Even if the lights are still working, cracks in the lenses can allow water to get in, contributing to fogginess.

Your High Beams Don’t Work

If your vehicle’s low beams are working, but you aren’t able to activate the high beams, you may have a bulb that is burned out. A blown fuse or a wiring problem may also be at fault. Our service department can check your bulbs and the fuses in your headlights and perform the appropriate repair.

Headlights don’t last forever, and our factory-trained technicians can repair and replace them when the time comes. When you’re ready to schedule your next service appointment, call Lynn Layton Chevrolet.